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October 30, 2005


Hey Solveig!

You have the completion stuff. That's great!

I'll send everybody over.

Setting up a program to work my way is always the number 1 thing I do with new software. Your list of things to do is very similar to mine, except that I rarely bother to change the visible icons. But I hate software that tries to be helpful, almost invariably in ways that annoy me, so automatic this and that is the first to go. Fortunately OOo is easy to tame, and is very well behaved once you've got rid of all the "features" you don't want.

I'm aware that what I hate is often the feature that someone else loves the most, so I'm glad that the choices are easily available for people to have what they want and find helpful. One chapter in the Getting Started with OpenOffice.org 2.0 book covers the choices in Tool > Options and what they do. This book is written and produced by the volunteers at OOoAuthors (http://oooauthors.org) and is available in free downloadable PDF form from the OOo Documentation Project, http://documentation.openoffice.org/. (A printed copy is coming soon.)

Hi Jean,

You write some excellent, very detailed stuff that is rarely covered in the help. Anyone interested in this topic should definitely check out Jean's sites and books.

~ Solveig

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