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December 08, 2006


Joe Webb

Thanks for a great book. I've been using OOo for about 5 years, but have done so earnestly only in the last year. I still need Excel to get graphs the way I want them. Some of the charts types are just not available in OOo. I also like to have charts have their own workbook page, something not offered in OOo.

Typos I've found:

back cover, 3rd bullet "PDf" s/b "PDF"
p304, PDF "freezes" sentence should have the word "it" at the end of it.

I'm using StarOffice in Windows and OOo in Ubuntu. The frustrating thing in Ubuntu is that I can't get a straight answer if the new version 2.1 will be available as an automatic upgrade, or if you have to wait until Ubuntu 7.04. And then if you don't want to wait, it's very confusing about how to uninstall OOo 2.0.4 and then install 2.1. First, you have to work with the Synaptic Package Manager and figure out what exactly you are uninstalling and hope you have it right, and then you have to manage to get 2.1 going. I even tried to load the StarOffice 90-day evaluation package in Ubuntu and it seems like Ubuntu just refuses to install it. It will start, but then shuts down.

But thanks again for the book, and even though I've been using OOo for a while I have already learned a few tricks that will help make me forget MSOffice.

John Row

Thanks so much for taking this out of PH's hands.
John Row


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yes is good and yes I found this too:

"""back cover, 3rd bullet "PDf" s/b "PDF"
p304, PDF "freezes" sentence should have the word "it" at the end of it"""


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I even tried to load the StarOffice 90-day evaluation package in Ubuntu and it seems like Ubuntu just refuses to install it. It will start, but then shuts down.


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I even tried to load the StarOffice 90-day evaluation package in Ubuntu and it seems like Ubuntu just refuses to install it. It will start, but then shuts down.

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